vs. Cleveland
When you’re reading a story on a Kindle, or on your iPhone, Amazon knows where you’re at in the story. When you have a book that knows what you’re reading, when you’re reading it, or is otherwise aware, you can start telling that story in more ways than one.
What if the characters in the book you were reading called you? Or sent you messages telling you that whatever you were reading was wrong? What if the story had modes – where you could read what characters were thinking about the scene you’re reading? Or it might know where you are in real life and change parts of the story to fit that.
What this means for the author is he or she can use a complete, transmedia platform to tell a story throughout the reader’s day and create an authored experience that takes advantage of mobile technology instead of trying to squeeze a story on to it. What this means for publishing is content that can be told and read everywhere can also be sold everywhere.