2 min read


The writer’s biggest enemy is the blank page. It stares at you, glaring at your inadequacies in a way that is both brutal and very honest. Your job is to fill this page with words. Good words and even better sentences. This is actually very hard.

I’ve read much about Artificial Intelligence and worked on large bits of software that used Natural Language Processing and have often wondered not only where these tools that are supposed to make our lives so much eaiser are, but more importantly, what do they actually look like. AI Writer is an exploration of what AI might look like when it has an interface a human writer can actually use.

Writing is many times a conversation between the author and themselves. It is a difficult conversation where the biggest challenge is what to say next. The first part of the writing interface is what is essentially an auto-complete.

This auto-complete is generated from an AI that has been fed books, screensplays, scripts, etc., as well as other chosen works by the author. This creates not only a complete sentence or paragraph, it also quite equally creates something for the author to write against.

The content models and corpii that have been fed into the AI Writer should in theory be tunable with the author able to work with and around the AI, utilising what it does best, which is learn and fill in gaps. So there could be controls to add more characteristics to the writing. Perhaps the author could add Hemingway’s sentence structure, some Vonnegut-esque dialogue or even a Cohen Brothers type plot.